We all know that Yaki texture is a popular choice among wig enthusiasts, as it mimics the appearance of relaxed African-American hair. It offers a sleek, straight look with a subtle texture that closely resembles hair that has been professionally straightened and styled.but what is the different bettwen Yaki straight and Light yaki texture hair . here we are gonner show you,on the picture right is joicehair light yaki texture and left one is joicehair regular yaki hair texture .

Take a close look of light yaki hair that you will find it very suit for the people who do not what silk straight but with some texture.

and below is our regular yaki hair texture,you can see compare to light yaki the texture are more heavy.it suit for people who like heavy texture .

So ,here are the different between joicehair yaki texture and joicehair light hair texture ,hope you enjoy.